Velikost skodelice:
Ø 7,2cm / 7,5cm višina/ volumen je cca. 1,8 dl (lahko se nekoliko razlikuje)
Nekateri deli skodelice so prekriti z 11k zlatom.
Glazura je primerna za prehrano in ne vsebuje svinca. Skodelica je primerna za pomivanje v pomivalnem stroju na nižji temperaturi, vendar za daljši obstoj priporočamo ročno pranje.
Te skodelice in vsi naši izdelki so ročno izdelani od začetka do konca v našem studiu v Kranju, Slovenija.
Vsaka skodelica je unikat, nepravilnosti na površini ali barvi so del unikatnosti, ustvarjalnega procesa in navdiha.
Size: Ø 7,2cm / 7,5 cm high/ volume is cca. 1,8 dl (it may vary a bit)
Some parts of the mug are covered with 11k gold.
Food-safe. Lead-free glaze. Dishwasher proof, but for longer existence we recommend hand washing.
These cups and all of our items are handmade from the beginning to the end in our studio in Kranj, Slovenia. When the original shape is made out of the clay the products are dried and fired at temperatures from 1050-1080 degrees.
Each mug is unique, irregularities on the surface or color are part of uniqueness, creative process and inspiration. Measurements are approximate, and it will not look exactly the same like this on the picture.